
Schedules of Condition

This records the condition of a property and is usually used prior to the tenant starting a new lease (most leases are fully repairing and the tenant has an ongoing liability for maintenance).  A schedule of condition will identify any defects prior to the lease being signed.



If you are a tenant there is usually an obligation under your lease to repair and redecorate the property during the term of the lease.

If you have been issued with a Schedule of Dilapidations from your landlord we are able to advise on this and negotiate any costs on your behalf.


At the end of your tenant’s lease we will prepare a Schedule of Dilapidations and subsequently negotiate the dilapidations claim with your tenant.

Property Acquisition Surveys

These provide a detailed report on the condition of a property and identifies any defects and unexpected repair costs.

In addition to the survey we can provide advice on the liabilities under the new lease.

Property Management

  • Condition Surveys
  • Roof Surveys
  • Planned Maintenance Reports
  • Quinquennial Inspection Reports
  • Section 20 Notices